Term | Definition |
Acculturation | The process of adopting cultural traits or social patterns of another group |
Assimilation | The process of taking in and fully understanding information or ideas |
Site | The physical location and characteristics of a place |
Situation | The location of a place relative to its surroundings and other places |
Geographic Information Systems (GIS) | A system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data |
Global Positioning System (GPS) | A satellite-based navigation system that provides location and time information |
Satellite Navigation Systems | A synonym for Global Positioning System (GPS) |
Geospatial | Relating to or denoting data that is associated with a particular location |
Geographical Data (Geo Data) | Data that represents the location and attributes of geographic features |
Online Mapping & Visualization | The process of creating interactive digital maps and visual representations of geospatial data |
Remote Sensing | The acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon without making physical contact with the object |
Census | An official survey of a population for various demographic, social, and economic information |
Distance Decay | The effect of distance on cultural or spatial interactions between locations |
Time-Space Compression | The increasing sense of connectivity between places due to advancements in transportation and communication technology |
Time-Space Convergence | A synonym for Time-Space Compression |
Toponyms | Place names, especially ones derived from geographical features |
Pattern | The arrangement of objects on the earth's surface in relationship to one another |
Location | A specific place or position on the Earth's surface |
Relative Location | A location relative to another location |
Sustainable Development | Development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs |
Natural Resources | Materials or substances occurring in nature that can be exploited for economic profit |
Environmental Determinism | The theory that the human behaviors are heavily influenced or determined by the physical environment |
Possibilism | The theory that the environment sets certain constraints or limitations, but people have the ability to adjust to their environment |
Globalization | The process of interaction and integration among people, organizations, and governments worldwide |
Transnational Corporations | Companies that operate in multiple countries around the world |
Formal Regions | An area with one or more shared characteristics that distinguish it from surrounding areas |
Functional Regions | An area organized around a focal point or node, where interactions and connections occur |
Perceptual Regions | A region defined by peoples' feelings and attitudes toward an area |
Vernacular Regions | A synonym for Perceptual region |
Local Scale | A small area, usually within a single community or town |
Regional Scale | An area that has common characteristics, such as a specific environment, culture, or political identity |
National Scale | A larger area, usually encompassing multiple regions within a single country |
Global Scale | The largest scale, encompassing the entire world or multiple countries |